Friday, January 9, 2009

Oldie but a Goodie

I was gonna write about how people can affect u so immensely but now it seems insignificant.
On second thought i might just talk about it. Never open up to someone and let them in. Even the one u love u must put a barrier between them, Because no matter how much someone loves u or says they do they can hurt you. But this isnt about love, dont get me wrong. I mean all people. Dont trust anyone. Why is it that we cant uplift ourselves but we can console others? HOW DOES THAT MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE!?!? In a perfect world everyone would do whatever the fuck they wanted and no one would ever feel bad about anything. Thats the number one evil in the world. Its not some fucking tyrant somewhere on the other side of the world with a bomb. Its feeling bad. Feeling bad for yourself. And as pathetic and pointless as it may be its fucking the hardest thing ever to overcome. I dont know what im thinking. Im going through so many things and so many emotions are flying through my head so quickly i cant get used to one feeling long enough to describe it. Pity. Thats another evil one. Remember this kids no one is any better or worse than someone else. No one. Livin hurt, Thats the only way i could explain my existence. Livin Hurt. People are the root of all evil. People are evil. We are evil incarnate. Is it so bad to not want to be hurt again?
To not be hurt again in every way you could be hurt. I want to get on the planets stage and just yell into the mic for all to hear. Yell to everyone that i have no idea whats going on and whats going to happen but i know i dont like it! And that i cant do a thing about it and neither could you. Your stuck with me. With all of us. Nothing to do about but hide it and keep on livin. Fuck the world. Love the world. In the end its the same thing. If i could pull the trigger on the world......................i would.

[looking back on this old blog i realize i was troubled and kinda poetic........i kinda miss it]

i have so much more of my old stuff that i wouldnt mind posting, anyone want to read them?

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